Everyone else has a web site, so I figured, why not me too?  I'm a 52 year old mother of two girls and grandma of two girls, and come next summer I will have three grandchildren. I live in Louisiana now, but have moved around quite a bit in my lifetime. I was born in California, moved to Mississippi in 1968 and got married in 1976. We have lived in several states since then including Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Arizona and now Louisiana. I have always liked animals and have always had some. I like being on the internet and playing games on the computer. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and have been since 1973. It's my way of life, not just my religion.

My Favorites

Favorite Band or Musician: Eagles

Favorite TV show: Deal or No Deal, Fringe, American Idol

Favorite movie: Young Frankenstein

Favorite book: The Bible

Favorite sports team: New Orleans Saints

Favorite food: Pizza, cookies

My Hobbies

I am into writing. I've signed up for several writing sites and hope to be published and make a little money from those sites.

Check this Out! You can talk to me on Twitter and read some of my articles on these other sites.

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Favorite Links

Patricia Neely-Dorsey's Beautiful Book of Poetry and Reflections from the South, please check it out!

Etsy.com come visit the crafts pages! Look for Vanity Visors where you'll find photos and foamie visors for sale!

Triond - come read my articles! Look for Scriber57

Heluim Website

Connect to me on Twitter - Scriber57

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